
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Banana Files: Carrie Williams

  Top Banana: Carrie Williams     Carrie Williams is our next Top Banana.   We recently transitioned a student to an adult program, and Carrie played a critical role in her success.   She developed a rapport with her after she arrived on our campus and continually coached her through each school day.   This process demanded model patience and determination from Carrie, who never failed to meet the challenge.   She has become an invaluable member of the Transition team as she demonstrates a tremendous heart for our children and her colleagues.   Her commitment to the success of our program is exceptional.   Thank you, Carrie.   We appreciate the kindness and compassion that you bring to our school each day.    

The Banana Files: Hannah Jensen

  Top Banana: Hannah Jensen     Hannah Jensen is our next Top Banana.   If I am feeling fatigued by the demands of the job, I can always visit Hannah’s room and feel rejuvenated by her infectious energy and positivity.   She has been managing our most challenging classroom this year, usually without enough paraprofessionals on hand.   She is rarely absent and never fails to exhibit a remarkable determination to embrace whatever the day presents.   Every day, she makes a critical difference in ensuring that we are meeting the needs of our most fragile and volatile students.   In short, Hannah is a model of grit—a quality that our profession has especially demanded of us during this school year.   Thank you, Hannah.   We are deeply grateful for your invaluable service to your students and colleagues.    

The Banana Files: Eric Bokowski

  Top Banana: Eric Bokowski     Eric Bokowski is our next Top Banana.   Recently, Eric volunteered to help me manage one of our most challenging students after school, when we were unable to locate his parent to pick him up.   He had already worked with this student all day, and his parent did not arrive at the campus until after 5:00 PM.   The student was agitated over the delay and kept us busy throughout our wait—yet Eric maintained a positive attitude, remained vigilant, and even kept his sharp, dry sense of humor.   He was not only essential to our getting through this; he was an excellent partner to have.   Thank you, Eric.   I could not have handled this situation without you.