
The Banana Files: Angie Martin

  Top Banana: Angie Martin     Angie Martin is our next Top Banana.     What sets the stage for our success on this campus each day is the attitude we bring with us—and an outstanding attitude has been a common characteristic among our Top Bananas.     Angie is another excellent example--she comes to work each day with an unflappable disposition of warmth and kindness and a wonderful sense of humor, no matter what challenges the day brings (if you catch her at the right moment, you may even find her dancing in the hallway).   Angie’s ongoing commitment to doing what’s best for her students, her colleagues, and the school, while remaining positive and resilient, is what helps drive our success. Thank you, Angie, for your exemplary work ethic and for making a critical difference in the Gaines program.  

The Banana Files: Sarah Horne-Rone

  Top Banana: Sarah Horne-Rone     Sarah Horne-Rone is our next Top Banana.     As we all know, it’s been a tough year.   From dealing with COVID- 19 to being short-handed for several months, we have faced some significant challenges.   No matter how tired or frustrated we have been at times, however, we have always been able to count on Sarah to brighten our day with her cheerful, kind, and warm spirit, which can be contagious if you spend any time with her.   She has been such a blessing to our morale, and she of course does a wonderful job working with our students, with the same compassionate heart.   Thank you, Sarah, for continuing to brighten our campus each day.

The Banana Files: Matt Potak

  Top Banana: Matt Potak     Matt Potak is our next Top Banana.     This recognition is a little late in coming.   Matt Potak’s move to Pedro Menendez High School as their new head football coach is a tremendous gain for the Falcons.   He has a heart for children and a mind for football that will no doubt drive him to great success as he begins to transform the PMHS program (just go easy on the Jackets).   Unfortunately, this wonderful opportunity for Matt has come at a significant cost to Transition—our Mayor is irreplaceable, and the campus simply will not be the same without him.   Coach, we are so very proud of you, and we miss you already.   Your unwavering commitment to Transition was an example to all of us as you helped make our school a better place for our children.   Thank you, Matt, for your dedication to leading children forward.   Go Falcons!  

The Banana Files: Julie Conoscenti

  Top Banana: Julie Conoscenti     Julie Conoscenti is our next Top Banana.   What on Earth would we do without Julie?!   With the wide variety of things she does every day to make our campus functional, she is irreplaceable.   From student arrival duties to managing the back office, to reports and assisting with PCM, to Blessings in a Backpack and managing our food donations, to Transportation and parent phone calls, to helping support a classroom as a para—the list goes on and on, and grows.   And, she does it all with a smile, a song to start the day, and a genuine heart for our students and our employees.   Every school needs a “Julie,” and we cherish ours.   Thank you, Julie.   We are so very grateful for the difference that you make every day.    

The Banana Files: Marie Santoriello

  Top Banana: Marie Santoriello     Marie Santoriello is our next Top Banana.   We have the only school cafeteria in the district that is staffed by only one person—and Marie does an outstanding job of running it all on her own.   From preparing breakfast and lunch to operating the register, to managing student accounts, to conducting inventory, to cleaning up, and everything else in between, she is the model of efficiency.   She does everything with a smile and a kind word, and she is always ready to help with a staff eating event, often volunteering to stay late to help with clean-up.   Her commitment to our students and us is exceptional, and her kindness is an essential part of our day.   Thank you, Marie.   We are so very grateful for you.    

The Banana Files: Amy Ceaser

  Top Banana: Amy Ceaser     Amy Ceaser is our next Top Banana.   We have needed a school counselor for the Gaines program for a long time.   So, when we received approval to hire one last spring, we were determined to find the right fit for our campus.   Amy has been just the person we were seeking.   She wasted no time in learning the program, the people, and the culture—and how she can best support our students and foster their success.   Although she especially enjoys coordinating state assessments, she excels at developing relationships with students while pushing them forward. This is National School Counseling Week , when we take time to acknowledge the invaluable role our counselors play in helping students to learn and grow.   Amy exemplifies all that we celebrate about our counselors during this week of appreciation.   Thank you, Amy.   We are grateful for the difference that you make.    

The Banana Files: Nancy Seyler

  Top Banana: Nancy Seyler     Nancy Seyler is our next Top Banana.   As we prepared for the challenges of opening the school in August, we were finally granted a nurse for our campus, and we are immensely grateful that Nancy agreed to take the job.   She has excelled at quickly establishing an efficient clinic and a supportive and caring presence, and her expertise has been essential to us as we manage today’s additional health concerns.   We have known that we have needed a nurse for years, but we didn’t realize just how much we needed one until Nancy arrived.   Our school feels whole now that she is here, caring for our children (and us).   I know that Mr. Diaz in particular is especially grateful for her support. Thank you, Nancy.   We don’t know what we would do without you!